Welcome Welcome to the EGHS Science Department Webpage. If you have any general questions, please contact the department chair Nicholas Rath at 398-1581 or through email. If you have specific questions about your child, please contact the classroom teacher. Contact details for each science teacher can be found on the science faculty page.
Guest Speakers The department is always looking for guest speakers to share their knowledge, skills and expertise in a particular hobby or profession. If you are interested, please contact Nicholas Rath at 398-1581 or through email.
Donations If you have items that you would like to donate to the department, please contact Nicholas Rath at 398-1581 or through email. Donated items are much appreciated! Past donations have included a stuffed owl, biotechnology equipment, medical supplies and anatomy and physiology models.
Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering in the science department, please contact Mr. Rath. Volunteers are always needed to help maintain our greenhouses.
Mission Statement The mission of the EGHS science faculty is: * To provide high quality instruction that develops, in an integrative manner, conceptual understanding, analytical skills, and enthusiasm for learning and inquiry in the life and physical sciences.
* Teach students to function as a scientist, through exposure to the scientific process used in physical science, biology, chemistry and physics including coursework and teaching laboratories incorporating experimental or discovery-based approaches.